
Pelin Artan Çavdar / Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Goodbye webinars

 Our final webinar with my students.We evaluated the project and expressed our feelings about it. We also held goodbye webinars with the students and teachers of the project.  

Pelin Artan Çavdar / Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Penfriend

  Pelin Artan Çavdar/ Aşık Veysel Primary School My students wrote and sent their first e-mails to our penfriends in "Gazi Primary School.'' They are very excited and happy to meet new friends.

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Our Bulletin Boards- Kargı Science High School

  Kargı Science High School Our Bulletin Boards https://wakelet.com/wake/Sb-5RQYJf2PunF4t7eVQW https://wakelet.com/wake/BrPms9J_BEh0j7RSEk3JN https://wakelet.com/wake/9dP8AAppIsLlTlOFQV_SO https://wakelet.com/wake/Riuxs2IyKNzNOLHNoCLU3 https://wakelet.com/wake/GG81TYUwjLt49hHYt8CXG https://wakelet.com/wake/2LauhL2Yvi6USG2tAwQon
 Gaye Şahan Fatih Secondary School We did our last webinar
 Gaye Şahan Fatih Secondary School My students did their best so I prepared these certificates.
 Gaye ŞAHAN Fatih Secondary School We prepred video about eTwinning Day