
Nisan, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Easter- Kargı Science High School

 We painted our eggs for Easter. We prepared Easter cards by using web 2.0 tools. Kargı Sience High School

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Students webinar_ Kargı Science High School

 We held a zoom meeting.  We talked about April events.  In addition, we learned different useful web 2.0 tools. 25.04.2021

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Our Acrostic poem Performance

  Aşık Veysel Primary School-Istanbul/TURKEY My students performed two lines of the acrostic poem that the students wrote before. They read ''New words are keys of new life.'' and '' Read English books and improve your knowledge.'' https://youtu.be/GmyRITPpqd4

Pelin Artan Çavdar- Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Happy Easter Day

Aşık Veysel Primary School-Istanbul/TURKEY My dear students talked about important days belonging to different cultures. They painted colorful eggs to celebrate Easter Day.   https://youtu.be/PvgL-oKG3rk

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Happy Song_ Kargı Science High School

We sang some parts of  Happy song (Pharrell Williams) https://youtu.be/dFbrtc3_WsA

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our performance for the acrostic poem

My  students performed the acrostic poem verse which we wrote together in February.Our verse was ''Sind and dance with English''.They had enjoyed  writing it in February.They also enjoyed performing it this month. They really like English :)

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School Teacher Webinar(second)

  Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School Teacher Webinar(second)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our Easter Eggs

  Thanks to this project, my students met diffferent people from other countries.They also learned about their culture and celebrations.Easter is one of them.After they had information about Easter,they designed eggs for their friends.They had a lot of fun during the process.We go on learning together. We wish you and your family health,happiness and peace. Happy Easter dear partners :)

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School student webinar

  Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School We held our first students' webinar with my students.They loved it. https://youtu.be/hvu_WnZ2OaU

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School Happy Easter

 Happy Easter dear Friends https://youtu.be/JadtVQ5vda8

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School Acrostic poem

  Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School We performed acrostic poem that we wrote before. English means together like family like you Everyday is ahappy day with English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YiK4C9WXEs

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School- Happy National Sovereignty and Children's Day

  Happy National Sovereignty and Children's Day

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Acrostic Poem That We wrote Before

  Acrostic Poem That We Wrote Before As  Suna Uzal Secondary School ACROSTIC POEM THAT WE WROTE BEFORE Acrostic poem that we wrote before;  We sang the acrostic poem that we wrote together before. Our poetry words as Suna Uzal Secondary School; E N G L I S H T O G E T H appiness is everything E nglish is very fun e-twinning R

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Teachers Webinar With Our Students

  Teachers and Our Students Webinar and As  Suna Uzal Secondary School TEACHERS WEBINAR WITH OUR STUDENTS Our students joined us in the meeting and introduced themselves in English. We asked a question, "Are you satisfied with the project?" And the answers pleased us we also talked with our partners about what we did in March and what we will do in April...

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU - Acrostic poem that we wrote before ( Kargı Science High School)

We performed acrostic poem that we wrote before. "Go start now and be proud when you succeed" (Kargı Science High School)  https://youtu.be/QBewOxXH884

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU-Teachers' and Students' meeting (Kargı Science High School)

  Kargı Science High School We held a meeting with all partners and students. We talked about the March and April events. All of our students introduced themselves.

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School---Teachers' and Students' Webinars

  Aşık Veysel Primary School-Istanbul/TURKEY We had a meeting with our project partners to evaluate March and talk about April's work. We also talked about the details of the student meeting we will organize. All students involved in our project attended the online meeting and introduced themselves to their project friends. It was a great  experience for them and us.

Pelin Artan Çavdar-Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Our dictionary letters C and D

  All partners of the project created an online dictionary using StoryJumper web2 tool. My students worked on Letters 'C' and 'D'. They found the pictures starting with these letters and explained their meanings. Our video

Elif KALAYCI-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our April meeting with partners and students

My students attended the online meeting with their project friends.They introduced themselves in English and talked about the project together.Their excitement was worth seeing. It was a great activity for their English speaking abilities. We also talked about April activities with our partners.

Elif KALAYCI-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our April meeting with my students

We held an online meeting with my students to talk about April activities. They are really excited for April:)

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School---Famous People Animation

  My students introduced famous people they chose. They recorded their voices using ChatterPix and had a lot of fun. Our Video about 'Famous People Animation'

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School --- A webinar about 'Media Literacy and Disinformation'

  My dear students and I joined a webinar on 'Media Literacy and Disinformation'. The webinar was organized by Abdullah Munip teacher and one of his colleagues. It was very educational, we listened to them carefully. Then, at the end of the webinar, we attended a quiz about this topic.

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Media Literacy and Disinformation School Board

  We prepared a school board about Media Literacy and Disinformation with my students.They drew and painted pictures after they had necessary information about it. Hope you enjoy 😊 click here
 Sema BAŞARAN CİVAN-Avcılar Anatolian High School/İstanbul- our dictionary We studied with the words beginning with v and y letters.

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Media Literacy & Disinformation

  Media Literacy & Disinformation As  Suna Uzal Secondary School MEDIA LITERACY & DISINFORMATION as Suna Uzal Secondary School students found pictures about whether or not every information shared on the internet is correct. Have a good time ...

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU - Media Literacy and Disinformation (Kargı Science High School)

 Our ICT Teacher in my school and I organized an online seminar about Media Literacy and Disinformation.  My students, our some partners and their students attended it. After the presentation, our whole students made a quiz about Media Literacy and Disinformation (by using the web 2.0 tool, quiziz) and we shared the result of it. https://youtu.be/_LyIW2Oz7jA

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary School Our Dictionary

  We prepared words beginning with T-S and U letters for our project dictionary https://youtu.be/FoDvdwWlMQo