
Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-My students' certificates are ready :)

My dear students did their best for the project and they got their certificates.They made great contributions for the project. I am proud of them. Thank you my great team :)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-We held our last students' webinar.

   We had our last students' meeting with the students.They expressed their feelings about the project.All of them seem to be happy in this project.With their contributions and great efforts, our project was great and productive. Thanks dear students :)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-We held our last teachers' webinar.

We held our last teachers' webinar with my dear partners.We evaluated the project together and checked our activities.I am very happy to be in such a caring and sharing team. I hope we will work together again in next eTwinning projects.

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-My students' new penpals

My students wrote their first letters to their Portuguese penpals via twinspace because of the pandemic reasons.They are very happy to meet their friends and be penpals with them. They hope this friendship will last forever. So do I :)

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Last Teachers' Webinar

  We held our last webinar with the teachers in the project.                         LAST WEBINAR     We held our last webinar with all our teachers.

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Goodbye Webinar With The Students

  We held our last webinar with the members in the project. LAST WEBINAR We held our webinar with the participation of project founders, other teachers and all students.

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Certificates

   We received our certificates in our proect  as Suna Uzal Secondary School CERTIFICATES We complited our project In our 7-month project, we ended our project by giving our students their certificates. Certificates

Pelin Artan Çavdar -Aşık Veysel Primary School --- While playing 'cram' games

Aşık Veysel Primary School-Istanbul/TURKEY My students played the games prepared by Feyza teachers' students. They liked them very much. Thanks a lot.

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-My students are playing the cram games prepared by their friends.

My students played the games prepared by their Portuguese friends.They both enjoyed the games and rewieved the English words they learnt before. Thank you dear partner and students :)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-My students prepared games for their partners.

My students prepared four games for their Portuguese friends.They prepared their games using ''cram'' in accordance with the curriculum. It was a great experience for them.They had a lot of fun while preparing the games

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Project Exhibition

You can visit the exhibition where the activities of the project are shared.  https://www.artsteps.com/view/60a2e523dd89e4b42f9707ca/?currentUser

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our cram games for our partners

  My students prepared four games for their Portuguese friends.They prepared their games using ''cram'' in accordance with the curriculum. Here are the links for the games. Hope you enjoy them :) https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/clothes-and-accessories-12152266 https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/physical-appearance-12152303 https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/personality-adjectives-12152360 https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/opposite-of-adjectives-12148484
 Avcılar Anatolian High School- My students sang some parts of the song "Happy" and had great fun!
 Sema BAŞARAN CİVAN/Avcılar Anatolian High School Happy E-Twinning Day!

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Cram Matching Game - KArgı Science High School

  My students were divided into 4 groups. Each group prepared one matching game for the school we are matched with. We prepared 4 games in total. We had a lot of fun while preparing the game.   https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/71th-grades-1st-part-12146424   https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/7th-grades-2nd-part-12147990   https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/81-8th-grades-1st-part-12148379   https://www.cram.com/flashcards/games/jewel/8th-grades-2nd-part-12148477

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Performance of the whole poem

As the project team, we performed the acrostic poem together that we wrote before. Hope you enjoy it :)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Our May meeting with my students

We held an online meeting with my students to talk about May activities.We talked about cram by which they will prepare for their friends.We also talked about exhibiton and penfriend tasks. They are really excited for May.

Abdullah Münip TABAKOĞLU- Happy eTwinning Day (Kargı Science High School)

 We are a boarding school and our students come from different cities or towns. Therefore, we took photographs including greetings from their towns or cities with #HappyeTwinningDay In addition, we wrote Happy eTwinning Day messages. https://youtu.be/DFUiPmHSlF4

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - e-Twinning Day

   We celebrated e Twinning day as Suna Uzal Secondary School E- TWINNING DAY Our children celebrated the e-Twinning day naturally

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School --- While preparing a game for mixed group

  My students prepared five games for the students they matched in mixed groups. They had a lot of fun while preparing. They look forward to the games that will be prepared for them. TO PLAY OUR GAMES PLEASE CLICK

Pelin Artan Çavdar/Aşık Veysel Primary School--- eTwinning Day

  Aşık Veysel Primary School-Istanbul/TURKEY My students and I celebrated 'eTwinning Day'. We took photographs and  collaged them. We also made a video using these photos.

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-Happy eTwinning Day

                             Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School We celebrated eTwinning Day with my students.They drew pictures,prepared posters and recorded themselves.We are very happy to be involved in eTwinning projects. Happy eTwinning Day!
 Sema Başaran Civan-Avcılar Anatolian High School-İstanbul we performed our acrostic poem that we wrote before... "Together we are better!"
 Sema Başaran Civan/Avcılar Anatolian High School-İstanbul Our students colored Easter eggs and prepared cards using some web2 tools and they celebrate our partners' Easter; Happy Easter everyone!

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Preparing Cram Game

  Preparing Cram Game As  Suna Uzal Secondary School PREPARING CRAM GAME Let Us Start Playing The Game -  Our students prepared a game for other school students  that they matched with in mixed groups formed as the first event of May.  Word flash card. This activity will enable them to remember the words they see in their schools  and will be effective in learning the words they do not know. We prepared 4 different games for our partner. You can play too First Game                 Second Game               Third Game                Forth Game

Veli ATALAY / Suna Uzal Secondary School - Easter

  Celebrate Easter As  Suna Uzal Secondary School HAPPY EASTER Our children celebrated the Easter of our foreign students

Naciye BÜTÜN Toki Yavuz Selim Secondary school singing time


Pelin Artan Çavdar/ Aşık Veysel Primary School --- Singing time

  Aşık Veysel Primary School- Istanbul/TURKEY My students had a great of fun while singing the song. 'Happy' (by Pharrell Williams)


  Happy(Pharrell William) Singing As  Suna Uzal Secondary School HAPPY SONG Our students sang the song "HAPPY (Pharrell William) as karaoke.   Although this activity was difficult at first, they said that they loved it very much later  :) Happy Song (Karaoke)

Elif Kalaycı-Şehit Hasan Acar Secondary School-My students' excellent song performance (Happy-Pharrel Williams)

  My students performed the song ''Happy'' by Pharrel Williams. They sang some parts of it together.